Lighting: Opening Sequence

 Use of Lighting 

Original Lighting - Purpose & Concept:

I was actually very surprised that the lighting captured in the shots came out well, I was worried that I would have to do intense editing to redeem the clips. However, this was not the case, the lighting in both scenes were different but served their purposes. In the flower scene, the bright sun brought the lighting and shined intensely on the flowers, dress, and the location. While in the corner store scene, the lighting was provided by the store’s fluorescent lights, I especially like how the lighting was reflected in these clips because it reveals a more real setting.

Filters & Editing:

While I was proud of the original lighting I have obtained, I still went ahead and added some additional filters to the clips to evoke a contrast in feeling and mood presented. For example, the flower scene I incorporated a lighter vintage filter over the clip, this basically saturated the colors a bit more to fully bring them to life. In the drug store shots I added a cinematic filter, it darkened the scene and capitalized greatly on the fluorescent lights and colors as well.


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