"Group" Dynamics

Filming Dynamics

Support While Filming:

    My brother was a huge help to me during the filming process. While he is not in my class or group, he aided me in recording certain angles and movements since I couldn't be both the character and cameraman. Without my brother driving me to these locations and then proceeding to film me under my instructions, I would not have been able to complete this project. 


    I think my challenges were mostly prominent in the scheduling and editing process. It was hard to find days that I was able to film enough shots where not a lot of people where in public at those specific locations. I started to recognize that I kept pushing back scheduled film dates. Another struggle was the editing process. The first half of my opening sequence heavily relied on editing because I noticed without it, it would be severely underwhelming and that is not the objective. It took a lot of time to correctly format how I wanted my film to flow, hopefully I landed on a sequence that is pleasing to the audience.


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