Finished Project Feelings


My Feelings About The Film


    I am extremely proud with my accomplishments through the duration of this film opening project. I have collected several new editing skills, have expanded my knowledge around the world of film, and grown a deeper appreciation for creators, screenwriters, producers, and directors of film. I have only touched the tip of the ice berg of what it means to put on a full scale production. My time engaging in filming, editing, and posting blogs has had its trials and errors. Taking this media studies class has presented me with the opportunity to dive further into my interest in film and creative arts. While I am especially ecstatic about the final result of my opening sequence, I do believe that improvements could have been taking in areas during the process of the project. I realized that I should have used my time a bit more efficiently and carefully, accurately spacing out dates, leaving space for several reshoots. The props, costumes, and equipment that I had on hand allowed me the ability to create the finished product that you see today, although better props and equipment could possibly accentuate the desired goal more prominently I am still satisfied with what I was able to do with my lack of experience. 

    Now that the project is fully completed, I feel relieved and relaxed. The hours and days working on this project has been stressful but insightful into the film and editing fields. The days of going out and public to film are bitter sweet, since it was uncomfortable with everyone watching my brother record me doing random actions in the park or store. However, I will miss those days since it was a new experience for myself that I'm thankful to have gone through and was able to develop the skills presented in my opening sequence, DREAMLAND. 



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