Costuming & Prop: Update

 Costume & Prop: Review

    This is a small update to cover all the new additions and changes I have made to my costumes in the initial costuming blog that was posted a while ago. Nothing major has been adjusted just some small details that needed to be replaced or taken out.  The actual clothes listed in the previous costume posts have remained the same, the changes fall under the prop category. I was not able to find a flower crown that fit the theme and color tone of the location and mood of my film, also the crown wouldn't have worked too well with my hairstyle. The additions to the props would be a small brown hat that could be seen in a specific shot in the opening sequence and several fake rose petals. I added the hat and rose petals because they were both objects I already had at home, the items made each shot look fuller and complete. 

Updated Props:


 8 best sun hats for women


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