Initial Storyboard

Initial Storyboard 


    Before outlining my storyboard I had a general idea of how I wanted my opening sequence to flow, there are still major edits and changes that will most likely be made to the storyboard draft below but for now the images listed is a loose representation of my ideal goal. Shedding some light on the shots drawn below, the first box highlights my establishing shot where the audience will be exposed to this dream like atmosphere. The first 3 boxes emphasize a general feel for what my "flower scene" will entail. This includes picked flowers, a picnic basket, and a white blanket; each of these props serve the main purpose to promote a visual euphoric and blissful feeling, like a sort of haven. 

    Also, in my establishing shot I have decided that I will include my title here, 'Castle in The Sky', it means a daydream or wishful thinking. The film will transition into the next scene through a fade in and a J cut where the sound of a chime plays over the current scene from the following scene. This chime will be an indication of my character walking through a corner store. As we fade out, the camera will be set in a close up as the audience analyzes the character's feet walking through isles. The camera will rise up to show my character holding an empty pill bottle, from this point on the audience should be aware that this character has a drug addiction and the dreamlike scene prior to this one is a representation of how they fill when under the influence. 

    The last two boxes represent her ritual of grabbing items from the shelf such as junk food and medication, she performs this task in a rush which I will illustrate through the use of jump cuts. There are other details that I hope to add to this draft, as I progress forward, but for now this is the foundation I'm leading towards. 



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